an up-to-date log of all the visual novels i have currently completed, as well as what i'm currently working on finishing!!

i also list my favorite routes and some general thoughts, but i try to keep this page free from spoilers; however, my reviews in my blog will be spoiler heavy! :P


visual novels that i am currently playing / have not yet completed

"Beyond Eden"

avg. Length: ~14hr

Status: 20% complete

Current Thoughts: ???

"Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa"

avg. Length: ~73hr

Status: 99% complete

Current Thoughts: I. AM. IN. LOVE. with this visual novel. I can't stop thinking about it. It pervades my every waking thought. I've dreamt about it at least three times. I'm just crazy for it. Which, I suppose, will be especially helpfull in getting me motivated to reach the finish line of this (for me) colossal game. God, what can I even say?? The writing is impeccable. I've learnt so many new random words from this translation, so it must be really good!! I don't know how much of the writing style can be attributed to the vn itself or purely to the translators, but it really captivates me. It's also just very technically good, when it comes to the art of it. So much more animation than I expected. I mean, when we first see Kageaki don Muramasa's armor, there's full on anime-style animation of the sequence. CRAZY!! Speaking of Kageaki, I like him so much as a protagonist. He is my little guy. I dunno... just, his personality and idiosyncracies and voice and whatnot really appeal to me. I adore him, I relate to him, I fucking hate him sometimes, I pity him, I feel basically every emotion through out his story. And, speaking of emotion, gee whiz can this vn get really fucked up when it needs to. I mean, and effectively too. Not in a mindnumbing way like euphoria (see below), but in a way which I still really respect. As someone with a love for disturbing fiction (primarily movies), I really enjoy when any sort of media can so potently portray a thick feeling of disturbance within the viewer. And, in those more disturbing moments with Ginseigo especially, the soundtrack really fuckin' rocks. I have much much more to say, but I'll save that for a real review once I 100% the whole thang.


"sweet pool"

avg. Length: ~13hr

Status: 10%? 20%? Who knows...!!

Current Thoughts: really fucking good so far. I'm going into this one completely blind, so I really don't know what the overall plot even is, which always makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I'm purposfully forcing myself to refrain from going into that comfort zone. Anyways, the music is amazinggg. I can tell just by listening that it's the same people who did Saya no Uta, which makes me very happy. So industrial, so intense and dissonent, full of discord. I love the religious theme and symbolism, themes of metamorphosis and pure unbridled instinct-- and the general aesthetic beyond that. This might end up being my fav Nitro+CHiRAL game when I'm finished with it; the overall vibe of it is too perfectly tailored to me. Also, I dunno where it's going yet, but I'm getting big omegaverse vibes, despite it pre-dating the first true instance of such a structure... is Youji gonna get pregnant????!!!!!

so far, the completely unrelated movie that this one reminds me of is Videodrome. Long live the new flesh, am I right??? xD... now it also reminds me of The Brood. So, in short, this is a bit of a Cronenberg-esque mess. WHICH IS WHY I LVOE IT!!!


avg. Length: ~32hr

Status: ???

Current Thoughts:


visual novels that i have already finished playing


avg. Length: ~31hr

Rating: 8/10

Favorite Route: either Ryu's or Kouichi's

Favorite Character: Ryu

General Thoughts: My first true bara experience!! And the last (chronologically first) of the parade/CLOCKUP BL trilogy. This was really entertaining, and I liked it a lot more than I expected to. It's a really funny game. So many completely out of pocket lines that I just had to add to my quotes folder... Also, it's way more h-scene heavy than the other two parade titles, and also a lot more in depth descriptively. I've learned... so much. There's so many anatomical terms I was completely unaware of until I read this. Never in my life did I think a gay visual novel would teach me what "seminal vesicles" are, or that there are two anal sphincters, or what a mucus membrane even was (don't pour drano on your dick!). As much as I joke, I actually appreciate reading anatomically correct and (mostly) realistic sex scenes. It's really interesting! I think it'll definitely affect my own writing-- haha.

In regards to the plot, it took a very different turn than I ever expected. I really like Haru's character, and the fact that he's definitely an anti-hero and does some pretty fucked up things. There's a lot about him I don't fully understand, especially since a lot of his past is only vaguely detailed/hinted at rather than blantantly explained. This isn't a bad thing, however! Anyways, all of the love interests ended up being very likable. Even for the couple of routes I wasn't initally all that excited about, they ended up being really well written and executed. I say love interest, but it's really light on the romance. I mean, Haru defintiely harbors affection and love for all four characters, but there's no truly "happy" ending. It's more hopeful than anything. But, in it's own way, that's also rather refreshing. Oh, and, of course I love a visual novel where the protagonist is a seme. Fuck that old man!! Yeah!!!!

Favorite CG: [link]

"Togainu no Chi"

avg. Length: ~23hr

Rating: 8/10

Favorite Route: Shiki's (also Motomi's. and the Arbitro bad end...)

Favorite Character: Shiki... obviously :3

General Thoughts: Of course I really love this one. My site theme is basically entirely designed around this visual novel. I love Shiki!!

Anyways, I think I like the story/lore of Togainu moreso than that of dmmd. The way that the underlying plot is revealed over the course of the various routes is done really well, in my opinion. Oh, and the soundtrack is GREAT! It has no reason to go as hard as it does. The general aesthetic is just very appealing to me. And some of the character design is just especially compelling in the way that only something from 2005 could be (emo). There's a lot I could say about why Shiki specifically appeals to me so much, but I don't want to write it all out here. Perhaps at some point I will. Or maybe even do an in depth review after a replay!

Of course, like many yaoi visual novels, it has its own problems, but I find it interesting to examine those issues and think deeper about the genre itself. And how some of the themes Togainu attempts to handle could be portrayed in a better way. short, I'm basically saying that I'm not fond of Keisuke's route hahaha! But I won't fully get into that here. And! It doesn't change that I truly do love this visual novel. Currently, it's definitely my favorite NITRO CHiRAL vn, but we'll see if it remains that way after completing them all! :D

Favorite CG: [link]


avg. Length: ~24hr

Rating: 8/10

Favorite Route: Takeru's (I CRIED. GENUINELY.)

Favorite Character: Towa

General Thoughts: This visual novel destroyed me, kinda. Amemiya Mitsuru when I get youuuuu!!!! Anyways, going into this I wasn't sure whether I'd like it or not, since I don't read much dark fantasy ever. But, oh boy, was I in for a world of hurt!! I wasn't expecting to be emotionally connected at all. At all! And yet, as the despair took over at the end of Takeru's route (the first route I played), sitting there in shock as things just kept getting worse and my hope was stipped away from me, I felt tears actually fall down my face. I need to emphasize that I do not cry at fictional stories. For no particular reason besides it just not happening. And yet? And yet??? I didn't even fully cry at Brokeback Mountain, dude!! Or Mysterious Skin! Are you kidding??? And then the acronymic title reveals what it actually stands for? I felt violent. How dare they do this to me.

I wasn't affected as deeply by the other endings, since I'd gotten an idea of the general premise by then. But still, that initial deviation of expectation was so affective. Oh, and of course, the visuals are great once again. The gore, which wasn't really prevalent in Room No. 9, was really nice to see. Gosh, didn't think I'd be seeing actual cock and ball torture in my yaois. Well, that's putting it lightly... that testicle was ruptured dude. It collapsed. Horrific.

Anyways. I love Tasuku. He doesn't deserve any of this!!

Mmmm. More amputee sex. My fav! (Am I kidding? Who knows)


"Hashihime of the Old Book Town"

avg. Length: ~33hr

Rating: 9/10

Favorite Route: Minakami's

Favorite Character: Hakase

General Thoughts: When it comes to the writing, Hashihime is so unbelievably good (EXCEPT for the very conceptual basis of Kaoru's route. That made me seethe for copious reasons). The literary references and story itself makes it unique to any BL in general that I've come across. It convinced me to find a english-translated copy of Dogra Magra because of how much it was hyped up. Hehe!

Everything about this is so breathtaking. The aesthetic is so well done. As you can see, I had to pick multiple favorite CGs because of how many great ones there are. Genuinely, if it weren't for certain story aspects (within Hanazawa and Kaoru's routes, specifically) this would be a perfect visual novel to me. I completely understand why it's seen as one of the best games the BL genre has to offer (even if I heavily disagree with its proclaimed 10/10 status! I'm still mad!!) Still though, I got really attached to this one at the time. Hell, I'm still pretty attached!! I'll probably replay a couple routes from this in the future.

I definitely respect Rinko Kurosawa and can't wait to read more of her work. I'm especially excited for Ooe, given how much her art has improved over the years!

Favorite CG(s): [link], [link], [link], [link], [link], [link], [link]

"Room No.9"

avg. Length: ~10hr

Rating: 8.5/10

Favorite Route: Ending F

Favorite Character: Seiji

General Thoughts:

Favorite CG(s): [NSFW(?)], [SUGGESTIVE]

i've written a (spoiler infested) review for this game in my blog, which you can read here!

"DRAMAtical Murder"

avg. Length: ~23hr

Rating: 7/10

Favorite Route: Clear's (ALMOST CRIED.... ALMOST!)

Favorite Character: Clear

General Thoughts:

Favorite CG(s): []

"Saya no Uta"

avg. Length: ~6hr

Rating: 7/10

Favorite Character: Ryouko

General Thoughts:

Favorite CG: [link]

"Doki Doki Literature Club!"

avg. Length: ~6hr

Rating: N/A

Favorite Route: Yuri's

Favorite Character: Yuri

General Thoughts: It' been far too long since I last played this for me to give any engaging commentary... I'll have to replay it sometime!